

Our Mission


Columbia College Student Council (CCSC) is here to serve the undergraduate population of Columbia College at Columbia University. We organize and fund campus life events, contribute to Columbia University policy changes, help to manage student allocations, and maintain constant and thorough communication with the student body.

The students of Columbia College elect the CCSC to serve as their primary representative, advocate, and liaison to the Columbia University community, including its administration, faculty, alumni and students, as well as to the public. The CCSC is charged with gathering and expressing student opinion, actively representing student views, appropriately addressing student concerns, ensuring that college students are fully apprised of all information of impact to their undergraduate experience, responsibly and equitably distributing student activity fees, and working with other student groups to program college-wide events designed to foster cohesiveness within the entire undergraduate population

  • All CCSC meetings are open to the public unless specified, and we encourage you to join us! All of our meetings are on Sundays, but we are more than welcome to meet with you privately at another time - just shoot us an email!

    CCSC General Body Meetings: 8-9:30 PM, Lerner Satow Room (555)

    Finance Committee Meetings: 3-4 PM, Lerner 312, contact Marcus Ortiz (VP Finance) for more information

    Wellbeing Committee Meetings: 4-5 PM, contact Charlie Wallace (President) for location

    Communications Committee Meetings: 4-5 PM, contact Teji Vijayakumar (VP Communications) for location

    Academic Committee Meetings: 5-6 PM, contact Kathan Reddy (VP Policy) for location

    Campus Life Committee Meetings: 6-7 PM, contact Elsa Chung (VP Campus Life) for location

    Inclusion and Diversity Committee Meetings: 7-8 PM, contact Chuk Orji (VP Equity) for location